Well logged on this morning and saw another sponsor - so that was nice, followed the link and was absolutely gobsmacked that it was from an old work colleague, he's not old, its just been a while since we worked together. We had a kind of professional disagreement, and there are always 2 sides to every version. My version is clear - he treated me badly, uncalled for and unnecessary, but I'm a contractor so you suck it up and move on, recognising that maybe just maybe his ego got in the way. (he used to work for me, i moved on, introduced him to a role where I was working and knew that if he got it, I would be working for him. Not a problem for me - he's a great guy, very ambitious and very talented, and after all I'm a contractor so would move on. Anyway his ego got in the way and that was the end of that. And unfortunately a very happy business relationship. He deleted our linked in and FB connection, shame really. Great shame, but I believe in Karma.
So you can imagine that I was gobsmacked that he sponsored me, so if you are reading this - thank you I really really appreciate it, goodness how you found my blog, but thanks anyway, I miss our chats and hope work, all the kids and life is going really well. I always believed in you and you know that - life is too short. So lets catch up xx
So back to the running, this morning....5k run with the run club, wonderful group of people ranging from 20 - 73 - I'm somewhere in the middle!! Cold morning, but beautiful run, my calves are still killing me, got to get a move on as hot bath awaiting, and then back to back meetings all afternoon followed by a business launch tonight.
So if this blog has raised some money and connected me back with an old work colleague then today has been a great day.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
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