So first run for ages on my own. WOW was it windy.. well I ran further than I have before. 6.4k - more running than walking :) and I did do the "i can i can i can" when I really wanted to stop. (just to prove Cheesy right!!)
I said hello to the walkers and made friends with a few dogs.
Then i was sort of on the home straight, wind in the right direction and the breathing had sorted itself out and the pace was kicking in and then what happened, a very glamorous mum from school (ex TV news presenter, very slim, very gorgeous ) ran past me! and as I saw her pounding into the distance with her immaculate running tights, her red running top that did not cover her bum (as she didn't need it covering!!) and her hair loose and flowing... you get the picture?? I found myself watching her stride and bum running off in the distance (not in a lesbian way) and you know what - everything is possible... my bum will look like that!!
So summary note to self....
made sure the technology is set up correctly to track the run before you set off
make sure you have something interesting / good to listen to
make sure you've been to the loo before the run (classy)
sort out your shin splints as they still hurt... talk to Kim
til next time xx
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